 Nonlinear radiation effects on squeezing flow of a Casson fluid between parallel disks


Aerospace Science and Technology |
 In this paper, we investigate the nonlinear radiation effects in a time-dependent two-dimensional flow of a Casson fluid squeezed between two parallel disks when the upperdisk is taken to be impermeable and the lowerone is porous. Suitable similarity transforms are employed to convert governing partial differential equations into the systemof ordinary differential equations. A wellknown Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) is employed to obtain the expressions for velocity and temperature profiles. Effects of different physical parameters such as squeeze number S, Eckert number Ecand the dimensionless length on the flow when keeping Pr=7are also discussed with the help of graphs for velocity and temperature coupled withcomprehensive discussions. Mathematica Package BVPh2.0 is utilized to formulate the total error of the system for both the suction and injection cases. The skin friction coefficient and local Nusselt number are presented with graphical aids for emerging parameters.
