 Method of uniform effective field in structure-dynamic approach of nanoionics

Organization: | Russian Academy of Science |
Department: | Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials |
Organization: | Russian Academy of Science |
Department: | Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials |

 In the structure-dynamic approach of nanoionics, the method of a uniform effective field F j;k eff of a crystallographic planeXjhas been substantiated for solid electrolyte nanostructures. The F j;k eff is defined as an approximation of a nonuniform field F j dis of Xj with a discrete- random distribution of excess point charges. The parameters of F j;k eff are calculated by correction of the uniform Gauss field F j G of Xj. The change in an average frequency of ionic jumps Xk→Xk+1 between adjacent planes of nanostructure is determined by the sum of field additives to the barrier heights ηk,k+1, and for F j G and F j dis, these sums are the same decimal order of magnitude. For nanostructures with length ~4 nm, the application of F j G (as F j;k eff ) gives the accuracy ~20 % in calculations of ion transport characteristics. The computer explorations of the Buniversal^ dynamic response (Reσ∗∝ωn) show an approximately the same power n < ≈1 forF j G and F j;k eff .

 Nanoionics, Nanoionic devices, Modeling, Effective field, Universal dynamic response
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