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Numerical solutions of Schön-Klasens model for luminescence efficiency

Erdem Uzuna
Mehmet Emin Korkmaz
Journal / Anthology

Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology (TESNAT 2015)
Year: 2015
Volume: 100

Phosphors exhibit luminescence following irradiation and the absorption of energy depends upon the relative probabilities of the radiative and non-radiative transitions. In general, the luminescence efficiency of a phosphor is related to the probability of a luminescence transitions and probability of a non-radiative transitions. Several experimental measurements of the luminescence efficiency have shown it to be strong temperature dependent over given temperature ranges. In literature, Schön-Klasens model has been offered to explain the temperature dependence of luminescence efficiency. In this study, theoretical basis and some numerical solutions of the model was discussed. The brief information about mathematical principles of the model was given and differential equations expressing the charge carrier transitions were derived. Numerical solutions of the equations were performed by using Mathematica 8.0 computer code. All the analysed parameters were chosen realistically. According to the simulations, glow curves intensities were decreased by the appropriate ηe and ηh ratio.

*Science > Physics > Nuclear and Particle Physics