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On the equilibrium point L1 in the photogravitational oblate relativistic R3BP with application on Sun-planet systems

F.A. Abd El-Salam
Organization: Cairo University
Department: Department of Astronomy
D. A. Katour
Organization: Tanta University
Department: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
M. O. Shaker
Journal / Anthology

Year: 2015
Volume: 130
Issue: 3

In the present article the effects of the relativistic, photogravitational and oblateness perturbations in restricted three-body problem, in brief R3BP are investigated. The relativistic effects and the dynamical shape of both radiant primaries are taken into account. The perturbed location of the collinear point L1 is computed. Series forms of this location are obtained as new analytical results. In order to introduce a semi-analytical view, a mathematica code, using the Mathematica9 package software, is constructed so as to draw the location of collinear point L1 versus the mass ratio μ ∈ (0, 0.5), taking into account one or more of the considered perturbations. All the obtained figures are analyzed. Some specific systems of R3BP formed of the Sun as the massive primary and a planet as the less massive primary are studied.

*Science > Physics