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The Calculation of the Two-Loop Spin Splitting Functions Pij^(1) (x)

Rolf Mertig
Organization: Mertig Research & Consulting
W. van Neerven
Journal / Anthology

Zeitschrift für Physik C
Year: 1996
Volume: 70
Page range: 637-653

We present the calculation of the two-loop spin splitting functions (P_ij ^(1))(x)(i,j = q,g) contributing to the next-to-leading order corrected spin structure function g_1(x, Q^2). These splitting functions, which are presented in the MS scheme, are derived from the order (alpha_s)^2 sontribution to the anomalous dimensions (gamma_ij)^m(i,j = q,g). The latter correspond to the local operators which appear in the operator product expansion of two electromagnetic currents. Some of the properties of the anomalous dimensions will be discussed. In particular our findings re in agreement with the supersymmetric relation (gamma_qq)^m + (gamma_gq)^m - (gamma_qg)^m - (gamma_gg)^m = 0 up to order (alpha_s)^2.

*Science > Physics > Quantum Physics