 We consider a defaultable asset whose risk-neutral pricing dynamics are described by an exponential Levy-type martingale subject to default. This class of models allows for local volatility, local default intensity, and a locally dependent Levy measure. Generalizing and extending the novel adjoint expansion technique of Pagliarani, Pascucci, and Riga (2013), we derive a family of asymptotic expansions for the transition density of the underlying as well as for European-style option prices and defaultable bond prices. For the density expansion, we also provide error bounds for the truncated asymptotic series. Our method is numerically efficient; approximate transition densities and European option prices are computed via Fourier transforms; approximate bond prices are computed as finite series. Additionally, as in Pagliarani et al. (2013), for models with Gaussian-type jumps, approximate option prices can be computed in closed form. Sample Mathematica code is provided.