 Computer algebra systems coming of age: Dynamic simulation andoptimization of DAE systems in Mathematica

Organization: | University of Cambridge |
Department: | Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |
Organization: | University of Cambridge |
Department: | Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology |

Computers and Chemical Engineering |
 In this article, DAEparser and SQPsolver, new Computer Algebra System packages specialized in Differential-Algebraic Equations for Mathematica are presented. These packages joint capabilities for dynamical system analysis, simulation and dynamic optimization through the direct sequential approach are presented with examples and case studies highlighting applications of practical interest to chemical engineers. An overview of the relevant theoretical topics to each of the features of the packages are presented as well as implementation insights. This work paves the way for innovative R&D platforms both capable of solving practical problems of interest as well as offer seamless computational workflow.

 Differential algebraic equations, Simulation, Parametric sensitivity, Dynamic optimization