 Nonspinning black hole-neutron star mergers: A model for the amplitude of gravitational waveforms

Organization: | Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Gravitationsphysik, Albert Einstein Institut |
Organization: | Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Mississippi |
Organization: | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Department: | Department of Physics |
Organization: | Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University |

 Black hole-neutron star binary mergers display a much richer phenomenology than black hole-black hole mergers, even in the relatively simple case—considered in this paper—in which both the black hole and the neutron star are nonspinning. When the neutron star is tidally disrupted, the gravitational wave emission is radically different from the black hole-black hole case and it can be broadly classified in two groups, depending on the spatial extent of the disrupted material. We present a phenomenological model for the gravitational waveform amplitude in the frequency domain that encompasses the three possible outcomes of the merger: no tidal disruption, ‘‘mild,’’ and ‘‘strong’’ tidal disruption. The model is calibrated to general relativistic numerical simulations using piecewise polytropic neutron star equations of state. It should prove useful to extract information on the nuclear equation of state from future gravitational-wave observations, and also to obtain more accurate estimates of black hole-neutron star merger event rates in second- and third-generation interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. We plan to extend and improve the model as longer and more accurate gravitational waveforms become available, and we will make it publicly available online as a MATHEMATICA package. We also present in the Appendix analytical fits of the projected KAGRA noise spectral density, which should be useful in data analysis applications.

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