 Algorithmic Integrability Tests for Nonlinear Differential and Lattice Equations

Organization: | Colorado School of Mines |
Department: | Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |

Computer Physics Communications |
 Three symbolic algorithms for testing the integrabilty of polynomial systems of partial differential and differential-difference equations are presented. The first algorithm is the well-known Painleve test, which is applicable to polynomial systems or ordinary and partial differential equations. The second and third algorithms allow one to explicitly compute polynomial conserved densities and higher-order symmetries of nonlinear evolution and lattice equations. The first algorithm is implemented in the symbolic syntax of both Macsyma and Mathematica. The second and third algorithms are available in Mathematica. The codes can be used for computer-aided integrabilty testing of nonlinear differential and lattice equations as they occur in various branches of the sciences and engineering. Applied to systems with parameters, the codes can determine the conditions on the parameters so that the systems pass the Painleve test, or admit a sequence of conserved densities or higher-order symmetries.
