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A package for symbolic solution of functional equations

Enrique Castillo
Organization: Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Department: University of Cantabria
Andrés Iglesias
Organization: University of Cantabria
Department: Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
Angel Cobo
Journal / Anthology

Mathematics with Vision: Proceedings of the First International Mathematica Symposium
Year: 1995
Page range: 85-92

In this paper we describe the Mathematica package FSolve.m for solving an important set of functional equations (as Cauchy, Jensen, Pexider, Sincov, D'Alembert, bisymmetry, etc.). Given a functional equation, its domain of definition and its class of admissible functions, this package uses the Mathematica's symbolic computation capabilities to obtain its general solution. The package allows particular and candidate solutions of the functional equation to be obtained by performing a careful analysis of the involved domains and classes of functions. Finally, when the functional equation cannot be solved, the package checks for restrictions of the domain and/or extensions of the class in order to give the user some type of solution.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis