 Computer assisted solution of an equality problem of mean values


Applied Mathematics and Computation |
 Given weighted quasi-arithmetic means M, N the problem is when the mean of the form u1 uðxÞ þ uðyÞ 1 2 ðuðMðx; yÞÞ þ uðNðx; yÞÞÞ is again quasi-arithmetic. It was answered in [5] by Daróczy and Páles under the assumption that M ¼ N is arithmetic. We investigate the complementary situation where at least one of the weighted arithmetic means M, N is not arithmetic and solve the problem locally, assuming that the generators of means are four times continuously differentiable. For the computation we use the software package Mathematica 4.0.

 Mean, Functional equation, Quasi-arithmetic mean, Conjugate mean
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