 Computation of Residue Curves using Mathematica and MATLAB

Department: | Chemical Engineering |

Computer Simulations (book) |
 The present paper details the compu- tational aspects needed to obtain residue curves (RCs) for two binary and various ternary systems using Mathematica® and MATLAB®. The first mix- tures studied are composed of: (1) ethanol – isopro- panol and (2) pentane – dichloromethane. A ternary ideal mixture composed of benzene – toluene – p- xylene is treated next. Two non ideal ternary mix- tures, using the Wilson model to predict liquid-phase activity coefficients, are al so presented: (1) ethanol – water – ethylene glycol and (2) i-butanol – n- propanol – benzene. Finally, a case, where high pres- sure effect and deviation from ideal behavior in the liquid phase must be considered, using the Soave - Redlich - Kwong (SRK) equation of state (EOS) and the Wilson model, respectively, is studied. This final mixture contains acetone, chloroform and methanol. All problems are solved using the built-in Mathema- tica® and MATLAB® commands NDSolve and ode15s. The author concludes with insight to compu- ting residue curves (RCs) with the help of computer software such as Mathematica® and MATLAB®.

 Residue Curve, distillation
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