 Homological models for semidirect products of finitely generated Abelian groups

Organization: | University of Seville (Spain) |
Department: | Matematica Aplicada I |

Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing |
 Let G be a semidirect product of finitely generated Abelian groups. We provide a method for constructing an explicit contraction (special homotopy equivalence) from the reduced bar construction of the group ring of G, B(ZZ[G]), to a much smaller DGA-module hG. Such a contraction is called a homological model for G and is used as the input datum in the methods described in Álvarez et al. (J Symb Comput 44:558–570, 2009; 2012) for calculating a generating set for representative 2-cocycles and n-cocycles over G, respectively. These computations have led to the finding of new cocyclic Hadamard matrices (Álvarez et al. in 2006).

 Semidirect product of groups, Homological model, Contraction, Homological perturbation theory