 A versatile concept for the analysis of loops


The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming |
 Ever since their introduction by Hoare in 1969, invariant assertions have, justifiably, played a key role in the analysis of while loops. In this paper, we discuss a distinct but related concept, viz. invariant relations, and showhowthese can be used to answer many questions pertaining to the analysis of loops, including: how to compute the function of the loop; how to compute an invariant assertion of the loop; howto compute aweakest precondition of the loop; howtocompute a strongest postcondition of the loop; howtocompute the termination condition of a loop; howto verify whether the loop computes a given function; howto verify whether the loop is correctwith respect to a given specification; and finally howto compute an invariant function for the loop. Using a tool we have developed at the University of Tunis to derive invariant relations, we show how all these tasks can be automated by means of a computer algebra system, viz. Mathematica (©Wolfram Research). Whenever applicable, we compare the performance of our tool against the performance of others.

 Invariant relation, Invariant assertion, Invariant function, Weakest precondition, Strongest postcondition, While loop, Termination condition, Loop functions, Loop semantics
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