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Automated symbolic calculations in nonequilibrium thermodynamics

Martin Kroger
Markus Hütter
Organization: ETH Zürich, Institute of Polymers, Zürich
Journal / Anthology

Computer Physics Communications
Year: 2010
Volume: 181
Issue: 12
Page range: 2149-2157

We cast the Jacobi identity for continuous fields into a local form which eliminates the need to perform any partial integration to the expense of performing variational derivatives. This allows us to test the Jacobi identity definitely and efficiently and to provide equations between different components defining a potential Poisson bracket. We provide a simple MathematicaTM notebook which allows to perform this task conveniently, and which offers some additional functionalities of use within the framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamics: reversible equations of change for fields, and the conservation of entropy during the reversible dynamics.
