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A 99 line code for discretized Michell truss optimization written in Mathematica

Tomasz Sokol
Journal / Anthology

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Year: 2011
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Page range: 181-190

The main purpose of the paper is to provide an easy-to-use code for topological optimization of the least weight trusses, written in the Mathematica programming language. The main idea of the presented approach consists in using a fixed ground structure and the linear programming formulation of the optimization problem. The solver is based on the fast interior point method. The strong effort is done to create the effective generator of the computational model utilizing the high regularity of the ground structure and the high sparsity of the geometric matrix. The efficiency and reliability of the algorithm is confirmed in several numerical tests. Due to a linear programming formulation of the optimization problem the method presented in the paper assures finding the global optimum, hence it may be considered as the useful tool for verification of results obtained in other ways. The appended complete Mathematica code of the program developed will be supplied by the Publisher on SpringerLink.
