 Based on Haar wavelets an efficient numerical method is proposed for the numerical solution of system of coupled Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) related to the natural convection boundary layer fluid flow problems with high Prandtl number (Pr). The numerical study of these flow models is necessary as the existing literature is more focused on the flow problems with small values of Pr. In this work, the problem of natural convection which consists of coupled nonlinear ODEs is solved simultaneously. The ODEs are obtained from the Navier Stokes equations through the similarity transformations. The effects of variation of Pr on heat transfer are investigated. Performance of the HaarWavelets Collocation Method (HWCM) is compared with the finite difference method (FDM), RungeeKutta Method (RKM), homotopy analysis method (HAM) and exact solution for the last problem. More accurate solutions are obtained by wavelets decomposition in the form of a multi-resolution analysis of the function which represents solution of the given problems. Through this analysis the solution is found on the coarse grid points and then refined towards higher accuracy by increasing the level of the Haar wavelets. Neumann’s boundary conditions which are problematic for most of the numerical methods are automatically coped with. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is its simple applicability for a variety of boundary conditions. Efficiency analysis of HWCM versus RKM is performed using Timing command in Mathematica software. A brief convergence analysis of the proposed method is given. Numerical tests are performed to test the applicability, efficiency and accuracy of the method.