 Duplication and extension of the Thorneley and Lowe kinetic model for Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase catalysis using a Mathematica software platform


 The Thorneley and Lowe kinetic model for nitrogenase catalysis was developed int he early to mid 1980s, and has been of value in accounting for many aspects of nitrogenase catalysis. It has also been of value by providing a model for predicting new catalytic behavior. Since its original publication, new results have been obtained and have been successfully incorporated into the model. However, the computer program used for nitrogenase simulations has not been generally available. Using kinetic schemes and assumptions previously outlined by Thorneley and Lowe, we reprot attempts to duplicate the original T & L kinetic simulation for Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase catalysis using an updated simulation based on the Mathematica programming fromat, which makes it more user-friendly and more readily available. Comparisons of our simulations with the original T & L simulations are generally in agreement, but in some cases serious discrepancy is observed. Possible reasons for the differences are discussed. In addition to duplicating the original T & L model, we report effects of updating it by including information that has come to light subsequent to its original publication.

 Computer simulation, Nitrogenase kinetics, Product distribution, Catalytic efficiency
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