 he classification of naturally graded quasi-filiform Lie algebras is known; they have the characteristic sequence (n - 2, 1, 1) where n is the dimension of the algebra. in the present paper we deal with naturally graded quasi-filiform non-Lie-Leibniz algebras which are described by the characteristic sequence C(L) = (n - 2, 1, 1) or C(L) = (n - 2, 2). The first case has been studied in [Camacho, L.M., Gomez. J.R., Gonzalez, A.J., Omirov, B.A., 2006. Naturally graded 2-filiform Leibniz Algebra and its applications, preprint, MA1-04-X106] and now, we complete the classification of naturally graded quasi-filiform Leibniz algebras. For this purpose we use the software Mathematica (the program used is explained in the last section).