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Residue Curve Map Calculations of a Ternary Mixture
Journal / Anthology

Computers in Education Journal
Year: 2006
Issue: Fall 2006
Page range: 32-35

In the present paper, the residue curve map (RMC) for the ternary system chloroform - methanol - acetone is computed with the help of Mathematicaƒ using two methods. The first method uses the built-in function of Mathematica, FindRoot, to get the vapor mole fractions, and Euler's method to integrate the governing differential equations. The second method solves the differential algebraic equations (DAEs) using the built-in function of Mathematica, NDSolve. In addition, we show how one can find all binary and ternary azeotropes of this mixture using FindRoot. These pedagogic problems are currently being used to describe simple methods to solve DAEs in the applied math course taught at the Chemical Engineering Department of the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Tunis. They serve also to introduce students to the conceptual design of distillation columns in the process design course.

*Engineering > Chemical Engineering

Residue curve map, Differential algebraic, equation, Wilson model, ternary systems, azeotropes