 QDENSITY - A Mathematica Quantum Computer simulation

Organization: | University of Pittsburgh |
Department: | Physics and Astronomy |
Organization: | University of Pittsburgh |
Department: | Physics and Astronomy |

 This Mathematica 5.2 package(1) is a simulation of a Quantum Computer. The program provides a modular, instructive approach for generating the basic elements that make up a quantum circuit. The main emphasis is on using the density matrix, although an approach using state vectors is also implemented in the package. The package commands are defined in Qdensitym which contains the tools needed in quantum circuits, e.g., multiqubit kets, projectors, gates, etc. Selected examples of the basic commands are presented here and a tutorial notebook, Tutorial.nb is provided with the package (available on our website) that serves as a full guide to the package. Finally, application is made to a variety of relevant cases, including Teleportation, Quantum Fourier transform, Grover's search and Shor's algorithm, in separate notebooks: QFTnb, Teleportation.nb, Grovernb and Shornb where each algorithm is explained in detail. Finally, two examples of the construction and manipulation of cluster states, which are part of "one way computing" ideas, are included as an additional tool in the notebook Clusternb. A Mathematica palette containing most commands in QDENSITY is also included: QDENSpalette.nb. Program summary Title of program: QDENSITY Catalogue identifier: ADXH_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADXH_v1_0 Program available from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Operating systems: Any which supports Mathematica; tested under Microsoft Windows XP, Macintosh OS X, and Linux FC4 Programming language used: Mathematica 5.2 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, ete.: 180 581 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, ete.: 19382 Distribution format: tar.gz Method of solution: A Mathematica package is provided which contains commands to create and analyze quantum circuits. Several Mathematica notebooks containing relevant examples: Teleportation, Shor's Algorithm and Grover's search are explained in detail. A tutorial, 'Iutorial.nb is also enclosed.

 teleportation, quantum computing, QDensity, quantum circuit, Quantum Forier transform, Grover's search, Shor's algorithm
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