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HPL, a Mathematica implementation of the harmonic polylogarithms

D. Maître
Journal / Anthology

Computer Physics Communications
Year: 2006
Volume: 174
Page range: 222-240

In this paper, we present an implementation of the harmonic polylogarithm of Remiddi and Vermaseren [E. Remiddi, J.A.M. Vermaseren, Int. J. Modern Phys. A 15 (2000) 725, hep-ph/9905237] for Mathematica. It contains an implementation of the product algebra, the derivative properties, series expansion and numerical evaluation. The analytic continuation has been treated carefully, allowing the user to keep the control over the definition of the sign of the imaginary parts. Many options enables the user to adapt the behavior of the package to his specific problem.

*Science > Physics
*Science > Physics > Nuclear and Particle Physics
*Science > Physics > Quantum Physics

harmonic polylogarithm, HPL, Nielsen polylogarithm