 Analyzing the Synchronization of Chaotic Dynamical Systems with Mathematica: Part I

Organization: | University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain |

Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2005: International Conference, |
 One of the most interesting and striking issues in dynamical systems is the possibility to synchronize the behavior of several (either identical or different) chaotic systems. This is the first of a series of two papers (both included in this volume) describing a new Mathematica package developed by the authors, ChaosSynchronization, for the analysis of chaotic synchronization. In particular, this first paper is devoted to the analysis of the Pecora-Carroll scheme (the first chaotic synchronization scheme reported in the literature) as well as a recent modification based on partial connections. The performance of the package is discussed by means of several illustrative and interesting examples. In our opinion, this package provides the users with an excellent, user-friendly computer tool for learning and analyzing this exciting topic within a unified (symbolic, numerical and graphical) framework.

 Chaos Theory
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