 Modeling of a Shifted Branches Dipole Antenna, Application to a Log Periodic Antenna

Department: | Departement Communications et Electronique |
Organization: | LISIF, Universite Paris |
Organization: | LGEP, Universite Paris |
Organization: | LGEP, Universite Paris |

 We have introduced a new model of dipole antenna with two separated and shifted branches. In order to evaluate the electromagnetic characteristics of this antenna, the Induced ElectroMagnetic Field method has been used and the complex integrals have been calculated numerically by Mathematica™ software. The results have been presented for the impedance and the radiation pattern. These calculations have shown that the resonant length of this dipole is larger than 5/2. Then we have used this model to explain the EM characteristics of a planar log periodic antenna (LPA). The comparison with the previous experimental results indicates a good agreement.

 Dipole Antenna, Emf Method, Log Periodic Antenna