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Hybrid System for Multi-Language and Multi-Environment Generation of Numerical Codes

Jože Korelc
Organization: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Journal / Anthology

ISSAC - International Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Year: 2001
Page range: 209-16

The paper presents a hybrid system for automatic generation of numerical procedures for various finite element environments from the same symbolic description. The system consists of two major components. The Mathematica package AceGen is used for the automatic derivation of formulae needed in numerical procedures. An approach, implemented in AceGen, avoids the usual problem of uncontrollable growth of expressions by combining several techniques: symbolic and algebraic capabilities of Mathematica, automatic differentiation technique, automatic code generation, simultaneous optimization of expressions and theorem proving by a stochastic evaluation of the expressions. The Computational Templates package is a collection of prearranged modules for the creation of the finite element templates that enables the generation of multi-language and multi-environment finite element codes.

*Wolfram Technology > Programming
