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Symbolic Computation with Indexed Objects within MATHEMATICA

S. Klioner
Organization: Dresden Technical University
Department: Lohrmann Observatory
URL: http://rcswww.urz.tu-dresden.de/~klioner/
Journal / Anthology

Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Year: 2002
Volume: 108
Issue: 6
Page range: 1109-1118

The new Mathematica package EinS is intended for calculations involving sums of indexed objects (e.g., tensors). EinS automatically handles implicit summations and dummy indices, allows one to assign symmetry properties to new objects, and has an efficient built-in simplification algorithm based on pattern matching. Further features include printing expressions in a two-dimensional form, exporting into plain TeX or LaTeX with user-controllable alignment commands, converting implicit summations into explicit ones, debugging capabilities, and online help messages. Some typical applications of EinS are described.

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