 New package for effective polynomial computation in Mathematica

Organization: | Czech Technical University in Prague |
Department: | Dept. of Control Engineering |
Organization: | Czech Technical University in Prague |
Department: | Centre for Applied Cybernetics |
Organization: | Czech Technical University |
Department: | Centre for Applied Cybernetics |

11th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’03) |
 This report describes our work on implementation of effective numerical routines for polynomials and polynomial matrices in the Mathematica software. Such operations are recalled during the controller design process if the so called polynomial or algebraic design methods are employed. This research is also motivated by the fact that Mathematica developers pay attention to control engineers needs and produce the Control System Professional package for use with Mathematica and, as we believe, a set of routes for algebraic approach could conveniently complement the existing bunch of programs primarily intended for state-space representations.
