 Implementing finite structures in Mathematica via a skeletal topos of finite sets

Organization: | Union College |

Journal of Symbolic Computation |
 Abstract To implement finite structures in a symbolic computation program such as Mathematica, we consider a skeletal topos N which is equiva- lent to the category Set f of finite sets. Objects of N are nonnegative integers, and morphisms f : n \Gamma ! m are lists (f1; : : : ; fn) of integers such that 1 ^ f i^ m, for all i. A full and faithful functor from N to Set f is obtained by identifying n with the set [n] = f1; : : : ; ng and identifying (f1; : : : ; fn) with the function i 7! fi. A topos structure on N (appropriate for Mathematica) is obtained by transporting the topos structure of Setf along a suitable pseudo-inverse C of the functor from N to Set f described above. The code for the Mathematica implementation included below is also available as a Mathematica Notebook [6].
