 sked to describe a nurturing environment for a budding engineer, mathematician, or scientist, few responsible people would point to the pool hall. Most would point to the lecture hall, library, and laboratory. Indeed, pool hall lectures tend only to be from sots, and there is very little by way of reading material in the pool hall. Especially lacking are formal reference works useful in rebutting the sots. The pool-hall-as-laboratory concept also has little support: The prerequisite scientific rigor is often lacking among the practicing technicians. Alcohol, tobacco, wagering, and poor lighting tend to have that effect in the laboratory. And yet, the tables in the pool halls offer a good deal of great physics. It is for that reason that this MathSource review hails, metaphorically, from a virtual pool hall, in which conservation of kinetic energy is as present as friction is absent, and in which the snooker and pocket billiards tables are unlike anything previously encountered.