 MathSource Reviews: A Mathematica Version of Eliza

Organization: | Boeing Phantom Works |

Mathematica in Education and Research |
 In this MathSource review, we examine a Mathematica version of Eliza, as adapted from a Prolog program and submitted to MathSource by Matthew Markert. Popularized thirty years ago within and beyond the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community by Joseph Weizenbaum [Weizenbaum 1966], Eliza is designed to emulate a Rogerian psychologist. Eliza asks you questions; you provide responses; Eliza continues the dialogue with you. Three decades ago, Eliza generated much attention: This program--twice the age of the IBM PC--gave the appearance of allowing human-computer interaction. In his 1966 paper, Weizenbaum even had to address this appearance: He made statements to further rob ELIZA of the aura of magic to which its application to psychological subject matter has to some extent contributed; he also noted that the ELIZA program itself is merely a translating processor in the technical programming sense [Weizenbaum 1966, p. 43].



| Eliza.nb (37.1 KB) - Full text of review |