 In this paper we describe QNAT, a software tool developed at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, for the analysis and simulation queueing networks. Arbitrary configurations of open or closed networks of multi-server queues with infinite or finiite capacity, fork-jin queues with or without synchroniztion queues can be analyzed or simulated using QNAT. Queueing networks with multiple classes of customers may be specified with each class being a closed or open class independently. If there are finite capacity ueues in the system, the tye of blocking mechanism--transfer, repetitive service, or rejection--can als be specified. For the applications where the accuracy of the results is also important, an option to simulate the network is also provided. QNAT has proved to be a useful tool for the design of telecommunication systems, computer networks, modeling of industrial systems, design of banking systems, teaching courses and research on queueing theory, etc. QNAT is a user-friendly analysis tool, develped with a Windows-based graphical user interface (GUI). Mathematica forms the computing platform for QNAT due to its ability to perform symbolic computation.