 Symbolically calculated higher index conditions for linear circuits

Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits |
Department: | Design Automation Department (EAS) Dresden |
Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits |
Department: | Design Automation Department (EAS) Dresden |
Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits |
Department: | Design Automation Department (EAS) Dresden |
Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits |
Department: | Design Automation Department (EAS) Dresden |

Mathematics & Computers in Simulation |
 For linear dynamic circuits, the condition of the index to be higher than one is calculated symbolically. Using Analog Insydes a function for the computer algebra system Mathematica is written. It calculates the index condition if the sparse tableau analysis method is applied to the circuit. Examples illustrate the performance of the method.

 DAE, sparse tableau analysis, Mathematica