The electroweak properties of nucleons and hyperons are calculated in a relativistic constituent quark model. The baryons are treated as three quark bound states, and the diagrams of perturbation theory are considered on the light front. The electroweak properties of the baryons are of a nonperturbative nature and can be represented by one-loop diagrams. We consider different extensions of the simplest model:
Quark form factors
Configuration mixing of the wave function
Asymmetric wave function
Wave function different from the one of a harmonic oscillator valid up to energies of more than 30 GeV^2
A comprehensive study of various baryonic properties is given:
Elastic form factors of the nucleon
Magnetic moments of the baryon octet
Semileptonic weak form factors
This analysis also gives the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element V_us and a sound symmetry-breaking scheme for the Cabibbo theory.
A constant physical picture appears in this work. The nucleon consists of an unmixed symmetric three-quark state; the wave function of the hyperons is however asymmetric with a spin-isospin-0 diquark. Only for the strangeness-changing weak decaydo we need nontrivial form factors.