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Social Simulations: Transmitting Culture: Part I

Richard J. Gaylord
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department: Department of Material Science and Engineering
Lou D'Andria
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Department: User Interface Group
Journal / Anthology

Mathematica in Education and Research
Year: 1998
Volume: 7
Issue: 4
Page range: 56-60

How do people come to have shared values based on ideas, beliefs, likes and dislikes, or attitudes? One possible mechanism for the spreading of values through population is through a sort of contagious prcess, orccurring as individuals come into contact with one another and interact. This interaction results in a form of imitative behavior sometimes referred to as cultural transmission or social learning. In this and the next column [in MER 8:1] we will look at several models of the change of values in mobile society.

*Applied Mathematics > Complex Systems
*Mathematics > Discrete Mathematics > Cellular Automata
*Social Science > Sociology and Psychology
Related items

*Social Simulations: Transmitting Culture: Part II   [in Articles]
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