 A Mathematica Package for CAGD and Computer Graphics

Organization: | University of Cantabria |
Department: | Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science |
Organization: | University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain; National University of Piura, Peru |
Organization: | University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain |

SIGGRAPH Annual Conference: Graphics and Visualization Education 1999 |
 This paper introduces a Mathematica package for learning and teaching computer-aided geometric design (CAGD). The package incorporates commands for the treatment of the most usual curves and surfaces in CAGD (Bézier, B-spline, rationals, etc.). The powerful symbolic and graphical Mathematica capabilities, the functional and pattern recgnition programming, and the Mathematica visualization environment have been extensively applied to get a user-friendly, didactic, and powerful tool for education, with applications in such areas as CAGD and computer graphics. Some illustrative examples shwing the performance of the package are also given.

 symbolic programming, visualization, computer graphics, CAGD
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