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Teaching Simulation, Visualization, and Modeling Using Mathematica

Paul Abbott
Organization: University of Western Australia
Department: Physics
URL: http://www.uwa.edu.au/people/paul.c.abbott
Journal / Anthology

Proceedings of the First Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
Year: 1995
Page range: 262-271

This paper describes an introductory course in Simulation, Visualization, and Modeling given at the University of Western Australia since 1992. The course level is introductory and directed at third year physics majors, though a significant number of honours and post-graduate students from physics, engineering, and mathematics have taken the course. The course objectives are: (1) to use computers as an aid to understanding real physical systems; and (2) learn efficient methods for the analysis of these systems. Course delivery is via nine three-hour laboratory sessions using Mathematica to provide the presentation environment and computational framework for the course. The course has been well received by the students and their achievement and understanding is generally of a high standard. To demonstrate the flavor of the course and the level of student achievement, selected student exam solutions are presented.

*Applied Mathematics > Visualization