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Summary of Key Improvements in Mathematica 4.1

Wolfram Research, Inc.
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
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Email: infocenter@wolfram.com
URL: http://www.wolfram.com
Journal / Anthology

The Mathematica Journal
Year: 2001
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Page range: 63-85

Mathematica 4.1 extends the technologies and advances pioneered by Wolfram Research, Inc. in Mathematica 4. Enhaneed solvers, functions and an improved pattern matcher and compiler allow scientists and researchers to solve more complex problems more quickly. MathML and HTML integration helps academics and technical professionals share their work over the internet, while J/Link allows the design of innovative applications, combining the strengths of Mathematica and Java.

*Information Science and Technology > Internet > HTML
*Information Science and Technology > Mathematical Typesetting > MathML
*Wolfram Technology > Linking Technology > J/Link
*Wolfram Technology > Programming