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Learning Mathematica: Importing and Exporting Data

Dr. Nancy Blachman
Organization: Variable Symbols, Inc.
URL: http://www.variablesymbols.com
Journal / Anthology

The Mathematica Journal
Year: 1992
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Page range: 53-57

In many cases, your program's data will come from external sources, not from within Mathematica. This article describes how to import data into Mathematica by reading a file or prompting the user for input, and also how to write output to a disk file in a form that can be read by other applications. Much of the material is taken from the tutorial book Mathematica: A Practical Approach (Prentice-Hall, 1992)

*Wolfram Technology > Front End > Importing
*Wolfram Technology > Front End > Saving and Exporting
Related items

*Learning Mathematica: More on Importing Data   [in Articles]
