 Behaviorial Modeling and Transient Analysis with Analog Insydes

Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) |
Organization: | Institut fur Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik |

Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Symbolic Methods and Applications in Circuit Design |
 This paper persents some new extension of our Mathematica toolbox Analog Insydes for modeling and analysis of nonlinear circuits. Circuits are described by means of hierarchical netlists containing top-level netlists, subcircuits, and symbolic device model descriptions from which circuit equations can be set up in sparce tableau or modified nodal formulation. Some examples of Analog Insydes' nonlinear behavioral modeling capabilities are demonstrated. Transient circuit analysis is performed by application of a dedicated numerical DAE (Differential and Algebraic Equation) solver. The implementation of the solver is highlighted because mos computer algebra systems provide solbers for systems of differential equations only.

