 Feynman Kernel of an Electron in an Anisotropic Quantum Dot Subjected to Magnetic Fields

Organization: | Chiba University |
Department: | Institute of Media and Information Technology |

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan |
 Ballistic transport has been achieved in the two-dimensional (2D) electron gas formed in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures owing to recent rapid progress in the fabrication of semicnoductor devices. Small and isolated regions, which are called "quantum dots," are also fabricated by using the technique of split-gate on the two-dimensional (2D) electron system. For the case of the quantum dots, we deal with very small quantum objects of order 10 nm which form the zero-dimensional system. Only one or a few electrons may be confined in a quantum dot. Many physical phenomena are experimentally studied in such quantum dots subjected to magnetic fields and so it becomes more important to see the motion of confined electrons theoretically.
