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Analysizing and simulating economic systems, with applications to urban economics

Yuji Itaya
Organization: Department of Information Management, School of Business
Journal / Anthology

Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium
Year: 1997
Page range: 255-262

In this paper several packages useful for analyzing and simulating economic systems are presented. The packages include functions for (1) solving simultaneous equations exactly in real domain, (2) obtaining necessary conditions of constrained static optimization problems, (3) solving simultaneous nonlinear equations approximately, (4) determining signs of expressions, (5) solving differential equations approximately, (6) solving boundary-value problems approximately, and (7) solving dynamic optimization problems approximately. An application of these packages to an urban economic model is also presented. Mathematica for Windows Version 2.2.3 has been used here, but the packages should work in Version 3 as well.

*Business and Economics