 Robotica is a computer-aided design package for robotic manipulators developed at the Coordinated Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The package is a collection of function definitions for the Mathematica symbolic mathematics program. Robotica can be used either with an X-Windows graphical user interface (GUI) on a Sun Workstation or as an included function definition within Mathematica. The primary feature of Robotica is the ability to compute, symbolically or numerically, the kinematic and dynamic equations of arbitrary robot systems utilizing the standard Denevit-Hartenburg (DH) kinematic convention. Robotica also provides the ability to visualize these arbitrary manipulators using the X-Windows graphical interface to the Mathematica graphics routines. The paper looks at the usage of Robotica at the Air Force Institute of Technology, comments on the features of Robotica, and needs for improvment and suggestions for future development.