 As Mathematica in Education acquires new capabilities with its electronic version this article shows how to link the color and sound capabilities of Mathematica to animations. A second purpose is to provide sample Mathematica code to make a sectioned full page displays of graphic cells. The author has previously outlined the important steps in making animations and flipbooks, but also noted problems in the final production stage of making a full page array for a flipbook [Swenson, 1991]. Since page layout software requires a tedious frame-by-frame transfer process, it was even suggested that the pedestrian approach of scissors-and-paste would be useful for the page construction. The presented code allows production entirely within Mathematica. The prototype examples show a solid of revolution about the y-axis, then display the solid built by the “disk” and “shell” method. The first section of the code sets up the special functions: onedisk to create a single disk that will be stacked, and tone to create a note in the scale. For more exotic sounds see [Gray and Glynn, 1991]. In general, a few efforts have been made to remove code redundancy or to effect code efficiency. Defaults have been accepted for color, viewpoint, light sources, etc. The code is meant to be read easily and comments are included to break the code into sections. The three animations, “solid of revolution”, “disk approximation”, and “shell approximation” are not generated because they each require from .5 to 1Mb of disk space after generated. Unless you have considerable memory (20Mb of RAM on a Macintosh) you will need to generate each animation of flipbook individually. The reader should be aware that using the graphic option RenderAll -> False, which saves disk space, caused some pixels to be missing in the images and caused a system crash.