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MathLink for LabVIEW--a new environment to control and interact with instruments; application to robotics

Jean Peccoud
Organization: TIMC-IMAG, Faculté de médecine de Grenoble
D. Damour
Journal / Anthology

Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium
Year: 1997
Page range: 391-400

The purpose of this paper is to introduce an implementation of MathLink in LabVIEW and to demonstrate how this link will provide a whole new environment of develop instrumentation applications. Its ease of the use is illustrated by three implementations of a simple robotic experiment. The link which is based on the complementarity of the two components, results in a great added-value. Some benchmark results are presented in order to appreciate the possibility to implement some real-time control algorithms in Mathematica.

*Engineering > Control Theory
*Wolfram Technology > Linking Technology > MathLink