 Properties of the Strange Axial Mesons in the Relativized Quark Model


 We studied properties of the strange axial mesons in the relativized quark model. We calculated the K1 decay constant in the quark model and showed how it can be used to extract the K1(3P1) - K1(1P1) mixing angle (theta K) from the weak decay r--> K1vr. The ratio BR (r--> vrK1 (1270)/BR-->vrK1(1400) is the most sensitive measurement and also the most reliable since the largest of the theoretical uncertainties factor out. However the current bounds extracted from the TPC/Two-Gamma collaboration measurements are rather weak: we typically obtain -30°~< theta K ~< 50° at 68% C.L. We also calculated the strong OZI-allowed decays in the psdeudoscalar emission model and the flux-tube breaking model and extracted a 3P1-1P1 mixing angle of theta K ~=45°. Our analysis also indicates that the heavy quark limit does not give a good description of the strange mesons.
