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Feyn Calc--Computer Algebraic Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes

Rolf Mertig
Organization: Mertig Research & Consulting
M. Böhm
A. Denner
Journal / Anthology

Computer Physics Communications
Year: 1991
Volume: 64
Issue: 3
Page range: 345-359

We present the computer program FeynCalc for automatic algebraic calculation of Feynman amplitudes. The purpose of the package is to facilitate the process of calculating radiative creections in renormalizable gauge theories. We have use th eporgram to calculate tree level diagrams as well as 1- and 2- loop corrections in the Standard model. The package is written in the computer algebra languages Macsyma as well as Mathematica allowing the necessary degree of generality.

*Science > Physics > Quantum Physics
*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Additional Applications > FeynCalc