 Numerical algorithms on moving adaptive grids for modelling of penetration in to the atmosphere of a planet


Mathematics with Vision: Proceedings of the First International Mathematica Symposium |
 The hypersonic motion of a gas cloud after the explosion of a meteorite in the atmosphere of a planet is numerically simulated. The gas flow is characterized by strong shock waves corresponding to large Mach numbers, and also by fast changes in size and position of the perturbed region. To solve the cited problem efficiently a combined numerical algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is an ENO algorithm on adaptive moving grids. The application of ENO approximations enables flows with strong shocks to be calculated and the use of adaptive moving grids enables computer resources to be minimized in terms of time and storage. The algorithm proposed is of interest in itself. To our knowledge this work is the first one in which an ENO scheme is extended to two-dimensional moving grids.
