 A Numerical Method to Synthesize the Element Characteristic in Analog Circuit Design

Organization: | Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) |

Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems |
 This paper introduces a numerical method with which it is possible to synthesize the element characteristic of a not specified circuit element or even a circuit block ("black box") in a way that certain circuit specifications are fulfilled. The element characteristics is computed in a given interval of a variable which follows from the chosen analysis method (e.g. DC sweep, temperature analysis). This allows for realizing the black box such hat circuit specifications which depend on the corresponding variable are valid over a variable range of interest. The paper explains the numerical method and afterwards shows two applications of the method for achieving the temperature independency and a given DC-input-output behavior of a circuit, respectively. Computations are carried out with Analog Insydes' DAE (differential-algebraic equations) solver. Analog Insydes (INtelligent SYmbolic DEsign System) has been developed as an Add-on to the computer algebra system Mathematica and is a toolbox for modeling, analysis and design of analog electronic circuits.
