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An Unconventional Approach to Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Local Shear Stress in Stream Segments

N. Lamouroux
B. Statzner
Journal / Anthology

Water Resources Research
Year: 1992
Volume: 28
Issue: 12
Page range: 3251-3258

Measuring and especially modeling the spatial and temporal variability of local bottom shear stress in streams are major issues in concepts of hydraulic engineering and logic ecology and becomes very complicated with increasing channel complexity and/or decreasing channel size. Using Fliesswasserstammtisch (FST) hemispheres, an unconventional method for near-bottom flow measurements, we determined the parameters of shear stress frequency distributions of German mountainous streams by spatial and temporal variability of local shear stress in stream segments from easily obtained input variables (discharge, mean stream width and depth.

*Engineering > Mechanical and Structural Engineering