 A number of computer-assisted methods have been described for the derivation of enzyme-catalyzed steady-state rate equations [K.R. Runyan and R.B. Gunn (1989) Methods Enzymol. 171, 164-190; R. Varon, R. Garcia-Seville, M. Carvia-Moreno, F. Garcia-Canovas, R. Peyro, and R.G. Duggleby (1997) Comput. Appl. Biosci. 13, 159-167]; however, the required programs are either not readily available or require special software. We present here a two-step computer-assisted procedure for deriving steady-state rate equations using the widely available program Mathematica. In the first step, the differential equations for a particular kinetic mechanism that describe changes in enzyme concentration as a function of time are set equal to zero and entered into Mathematica in matrix form. In the second step, a single command allows for the computation of the distribution equations for the free enzyme and each enzyme-ligand complex.